Positive Stories
When it comes to pregnancy and parenthood, people love to share their horror stories. Take some time to absorb these positive birth stories kindly written by my Birthing Mamas as we change the narrative. The more positivity you absorb, the more relaxed and excited you become and those vibes could even manifest into your very own positive, confident and empowered pregnancy, birth and parenthood story. Take a look…
What is HypnoBirthing?
Perhaps you have searched the web to find out what is hypnobirthing? Are hypnobirthing classes worth it? What to expect from hypnobirthing? There is lots of information out there! Find out how HypnoBirthing works, What are HypnoBirthing techniques and how HypnoBirthing can help you in labour.
Positive Induction Story
This is such a positive induction story. We often feel that having an induced labour means that all plans and control go out of the window. This beautiful mama shares her story of how she put all that she had learned into practice, taking control of her baby’s birthing day and feeling her experience was such a positive one. Inspiring!
Share your story
I would love to hear all about your Positive Birth experience. If you would like to share it with me and our community please do get in touch!